August 29, 2024

10 Tribal Nations Gather at FCF Collaboratory to Share, Learn, and Plan

Data shows Tribal Nations are experiencing a child care crisis impacting the health and success of all aspects of Tribal Nations. According to a recent study, 77% of unemployed Native American households reported a lack of child care influenced their decision not to work. 

First Children’s Finance (FCF) believes an intervention is needed in which Tribal Nations are supported in identifying and reforming their child care business ecosystem coupled with a dramatic, sustained increase in investment in child care. Supported by a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the FCF National Team developed the ECE Business Collaboratory of Tribal Nations (Collaboratory) to help ensure that Tribal children are ready for school, Tribal parents can pursue work and continuing education, child care workers are able to afford their basic needs, and Tribal businesses are able to attract and retain employees.  

During 2023-2024, FCF recruited cross-sector teams representing 10 Tribal Nations to participate in the March 2024 Collaboratory in Minneapolis. The Convening gathered Tribal teams to share, learn, and plan strategies to improve their ECE systems, emphasizing financial sustainability and operational capacity.

Click here for the Report
