Theory of Change

Multi-level Approach
Our theory of change is a visual map of our understanding of the need for support and financing for child care businesses, how we plan to address that need, and the long-term change we seek to affect with our programs and services. Our theory of change is a tool that helps communicate a complex and multi-layered approach to supporting individual child care businesses, building a robust supply of child care, and influencing systems to address business and finance supports. Our theory of change continues to evolve based on the factors impacting the quality, cost, and accessibility of child care in communities.

Child care is a small business with BIG impact.
First Children’s Finance partners with child care entrepreneurs to start, manage, and grow financially sustainable businesses.
- Increase financial sustainability
- Empower child care business leaders
- Invest capital in high quality child care businesses

An adequate supply of child care is a critical component to a healthy community and a vibrant regional economy.
First Children’s Finance partners with communities to develop local solutions to address child care shortages.
- Analyze supply of child care
- Innovate ideas to create new child care slots
- Empower communities to implement solutions
- Provide technical assistance

A comprehensive approach can improve supply and access to high quality care for low income children.
First Children’s Finance partners with states to create systems that improve sustainability of child care businesses.
- Align and leverage resources
- Address the business needs of child care
- Recommend responsive policy and programs
- Build public-private partnerships
- Advocate for sustainable funding to address the business side of child care