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July 1, 2024

FCF Founder Jerry Cutts to Retire as President and CEO

FCF Founder Jerry Cutts to Retire as President and CEO

First Children’s Finance President and CEO Jerry Cutts – who has been on personal leave since April 2024 – has announced he is retiring after 33 years.

Since Jerry founded FCF in 1991, his work and commitment have changed and improved countless lives. Jerry has always been a visionary. The more complex the problem, the more his mind worked to find viable solutions. He saw the potential of FCF’s mission and guided the organization to create sustainable child care businesses, enabling children and families better access to care for over three decades.

The Board of Directors will conduct a national search to find the next President and CEO.

Chief Program Officer Heidi Hagel-Braid will serve as interim President and CEO until a permanent candidate is identified.
