December 4, 2024

FCF National Consulting Team Works with Wisconsin for Business Training

In 2022, First Children’s Finance (FCF) partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families to support Project Growth’s Dream Up! Child Care Supply Building Grant program to support and expand the supply of child care throughout the state. 

Through this program, FCF worked with communities using a collaborative community-led approach to evaluate, plan, sustain existing care, and expand child care in areas where there is a need. 

Providers located in Dream Up! Communities had the opportunity to apply for and participate in a Business Leadership Cohort (BLC) where they would gain valuable business knowledge specific to the child care industry. 

The sessions offered the opportunity to learn the basics of operating a child care business, including managing enrollment and developing policy and procedures to improve financial performance. Individual consultation provided a thorough financial analysis and support in writing a Business Improvement Plan. 

Nearly 340 providers successfully completed all components of the BLC and received $5,000 stipends to support their child care businesses. 

Participating businesses were asked to share their feedback on the program and on working with FCF. The comments they shared included: 

  • I loved the business aspect of this program. I wish I would have had this training before I opened my family childcare.  
  • I feel more like an actual business now that I took this training. 
  • I really loved being involved in this program. I learned so much, especially about budgeting. 
  • The program is great, it puts your mindset into perspective to think bigger than a small business think of yourself as a brand and embrace your greatness. 
  • it was a pleasure to be a part of the class and it greatly benefited my program. 
  • This program is amazing and we appreciate it! 
  • Gracias por dar este tipo de capacitaciones en español. (Thank you for giving this type of training in Spanish.) 

Read the Summary Report.  
