The FCF Iowa Office is dedicated to increasing the supply and business sustainability of child care through business and financial training, coaching, consulting, and access to capital. We bolster the Iowa workforce and economy by helping communities find right-sized solutions through child care market analysis, strategic planning and financial modeling for new and expanding facilities.
Our Services
Business & Financial Fundamentals Training Series
Business & Financial Fundamentals Coaching
Business Consulting
Community Consulting, Market Analysis and Strategic Planning
Email us at to learn more about our services or how best we can serve you.
Success Story: Storm Lake Creates Vision for City’s Child Care Future
Storm Lake, Iowa, leaders knew the growing city lacked enough child care. The city had been identified as being in a “child care desert,” meaning there were more than three children under the age of five in the community for every available child care slot. Read the story here.
Success Story: Retirement and Succession Planning in Child Care
Jon and her daughter, Brandi, operate Tinker Tots Enrichment Home— a Registered Category C Child Care program in Creston, Iowa. Jon has been a Registered Child Development Home Provider since 1991. Read her story here.