Language Assistance Policy and Procedures 

At First Children’s Finance, we are dedicated to ensuring that all individuals, including our diverse clientele and staff, have equitable access to our services and programs regardless of their language proficiency. Our Language Assistance Policy aims to promote inclusivity, accessibility, and cultural competence across all aspects of our operations.  

FCF adopts this Language Access Plan in alignment with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). 

We take reasonable steps to ensure that individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access and equal opportunities to participate in our services and programs. First Children’s Finance is committed to facilitating meaningful communication with LEP clients. FCF will regularly review the language access needs of our clientele and staff, update and monitor the implementation of this policy and associated procedures, as necessary.  

If you are a client seeking language assistance or have questions, please contact your Specialist, Loan Fund, or Grants Team member. They will ensure one of our advisors/consultants meets your needs. 





First Children’s Finance (FCF) identifies primary languages requiring language assistance by analyzing census data, demographic data from loan and grant applications, intake forms, client surveys, and community feedback. Data will be reviewed annually and prior to entering new states. As FCF operates across multiple states, this information guides our efforts in providing targeted language support for those regions.


We offer interpretation services for spoken languages upon request. Interpreters and translators engaged by First Children’s Finance will be proficient in the identified languages, uphold confidentiality, and demonstrate cultural competence. FCF uses on-demand professional interpreter and translation service providers. FCF recognizes that LEP persons may prefer authorized representatives or to use a family member or friend as an interpreter in some circumstances. While we strongly recommend using professional interpreters for critical documents and conversations, we will respect client preferences when feasible, except children under age 18 as interpreters. 


FCF provides translation services for vital documents and other written materials upon request to ensure accuracy and approval of information. LEP individuals are informed of translation availability by FCF employees. FCF currently prioritizes the translation of written communications for loan applications and documentation by using professional translation or Google translation services, depending on the document. 


Our website is designed with translation capabilities in multiple languages to improve accessibility. Our FCF Disability Assistance measures ensure communication accessibility and accommodations for individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Details are available on request. 


FCF staff members recognize language assistance needs and facilitate access to language services for our clients. Employees familiarize themselves with language access protocol and resources outlined in this policy and seek guidance from supervisors regarding questions or concerns. FCF will provide the copy available for staff to be knowledgeable of LEP policies and procedures. 


FCF regularly assesses changes in demographics and service needs to reevaluate this policy and its procedures, as necessary. Feedback surveys will be used to continuously evaluate and improve the quality and effectiveness of our language assistance provision. We monitor language assistance utilization rates, client satisfaction, and adherence to language access policies and procedures. Adjustments will be made as needed to improve language assistance services and overall client experiences.