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Make Way for Kids

Infant and Toddler Capacity Building Grants

First Children’s Finance is pleased to announce a new Child Care Grants program for Vermont child care providers, made possible by funding from the Vermont Agency of Human Services, Department of Children and Families Child Development Division. 


For more information, contact the Vermont Grants Team: 

Grant Purpose


To increase the supply of excellent child care in Vermont, First Children’s Finance (FCF) has partnered with the VT Child Development Division (CDD) and Let’s Grow Kids (LGK) to administer a grant program to increase the number of infant and toddler child care spaces in the state. We are pleased to continue the successful Make Way for Kids Infant and Toddler Capacity Building Grant Program 

Amounts Available

  • Family child care (home-based) programs can apply for up to $20,000. 
  • Applicants from child care centers, schools, businesses, municipalities, and other agencies may apply for funds up to $50,000.  
  • Projects that plan to increase early childhood education capacity by adding 25 or more new spaces in communities with less access to child care may be eligible to apply for more than $50,0000. 
Application will be available starting September 18, 2023
Applications must be received no later than October 25, 2023
Awards will be decided in December 2023
All grant funds must be expended by June 30, 2024.

Eligibility for Make Way for Kids Grants

  • Grantees must be located within Vermont.
  • Grantees must be an existing child care business (family child care, public school, center-based program, etc.) in good standing with the Department of Taxes and Department of Children and Families OR grantees are starting a new child care business and are working with the Department of Children and Families to get licensed.
  • Grantees must be willing to accept the state Child Care Financial Assistance for eligible families.



Grant Guidelines

Click HERE

Overview of Ineligible Items/Uses

Click HERE 

Supply and Demand Analysis

Click HERE

Building Bright Futures Regional Council

Click HERE

How Do I Get Started?

The current Grants Round is now closed; please keep checking in for updates on the next round.

For More Information


 Email us at for any questions.