Make Way for Kids

Infant and Toddler Capacity Building Grants

The Make Way for Kids Infant/Toddler Capacity Building Grant program for Vermont child care providers is made possible by funding from the Vermont Agency of Human Services, Department of Children and Families Child Development Division.

The Infant/Toddler Capacity Building Grant program can support projects that seek to create child care spaces for infants and toddlers in Vermont. To learn more about this program, you can review the grant guidelines HERE or email (Please include your town/county when you email us!)

Grant Purpose


To increase the supply of excellent child care in Vermont, First Children’s Finance (FCF) has partnered with the VT Child Development Division (CDD) and Let’s Grow Kids (LGK) to administer a grant program to increase the number of infant and toddler child care spaces in the state. We are pleased to continue the successful Make Way for Kids Infant and Toddler Capacity Building Grant Program 

For More Information

 Email us at for any questions.